Author: admin

If you've just returned to this website, you may have noticed that it looks very different from your last visit. Yes, we've updated our site. The old one has served us very well for several years, but website design is progressing all the time, and...

Buildings aren’t designed to last in perfect condition forever — and anyone who managed to solve that problem would probably corner the market. When a building has a wall crack or becomes weaker or unstable, it requires structural repairs if it’s going to continue functioning....

Underpinning — some people panic at the idea of it, but it's only a technique for safeguarding your home. Underpinning involves strengthening the existing foundations of a building, and there are a number of reasons why this might be needed. What Might Create a Need for...

 October 2021 Since the start of this pandemic, some 20 months ago, the Underpin & Makegood Group have rigidly followed all UK Government and Public Health England guidance and have reopened sites in a controlled and safe manner, with due consideration for our clients, staff and...

Unlike most countries, homes in the UK don't usually have a basement, especially if they've been built in the past hundred years. Even when there is a basement, it's often used as nothing more than storage space. However, with property so expensive these days, it can...

If you don't live close to a river or coast, you might think you home is safe from flooding. However surface water and flood damage can get anywhere after heavy rain, and your home could be in danger, whatever its location. There are steps you...

In an ideal world, all buildings would be situated on level, stable ground, but of course, that isn't always possible. One of the problems of building on a slope is that the soil can move — and this might mean you need a retaining wall. What...

If you've considered having your home underpinned, you may have looked around to find out what the options are. You've probably come across the references to minipile and micropile as effective ways of doing this — but what do these terms mean? What exactly is...

Has someone mentioned underpinning a house before or that your house in particular needs underpinning? The suggestion strikes fear in many people. Part of that is because it can be an expensive process, but there are also many misunderstandings about underpinning and what it means...

If you hear about piles in the context of construction, you may think about major structures, such as bridges. While piling is certainly crucial in such projects, it can also be used for your home. What Is Piling? Piling is a way of securing the foundations of...