building Tag

 October 2021 Since the start of this pandemic, some 20 months ago, the Underpin & Makegood Group have rigidly followed all UK Government and Public Health England guidance and have reopened sites in a controlled and safe manner, with due consideration for our clients, staff and...

Although modern buildings can be constructed from a wide variety of materials, bricks are the traditional material of choice in most parts of the UK. There’s something reassuring about a brick-build home, with its bond left clearly visible. But is a brick simply a brick? Not...

Terms like underpinning are thrown about in the construction industry, but it’s not always easy to be clear what they really mean. So what exactly is underpinning, what are underpinning foundation methods and what implications does it have if you need to have your home...

The building and construction industry is one of the foundations on which the modern world is built, so it’s not surprising this has always been so. The history of construction is not only as old as human civilisation, but even older. Ancient Construction The earliest forms of...